Specialist Horizontal Directional Drilling and Direct Pipe® consultancy providing Strategic, Commercial and Technical services to the Electricity, Water, Renewables, Telecom, Oil and Gas Industries.
HDDP Solutions provide users of the Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and Direct Pipe® (DP) technologies with a professional engineering and commercial service specializing in technical recommendations, construction contracts, alternative dispute resolution, arbitrations, claim settlements and financial reporting. HDDP Solutions can operate in Europe, Africa, Central & South America, South East Asia and Oceania.
Extensive experience in the preparation and the construction of trenchless crossings with a number of major energy companies and contractors worldwide has resulted in excellent working relationships with many players of the energy sector.
Denis Pellerin, ENPC and MBA INSEAD, is the principal of HDDP Solutions. A Civil Engineer by profession, he has 35 years experience in the trenchless crossings industry including 28 years as MD of Horizontal Drilling International SA (HDI), and is recognized as one of the best specialists in Horizontal Directional Drilling.
Horizontal Directional Drilling and Direct Pipe® are optimal and cost effective solutions for the accurate installation of transmission lines and pipelines crossing natural obstacles, artificial barriers and any other sensitive areas which are used extensively in the Electricity, Water, Renewables, Telecom, Oil and Gas Industries.
World wide trenchless crossings have been achieved with lengths in excess of 5000m and shorter lengths with conduit diameters up to 1400mm.
Quick mobilisation, compact work areas, low construction risk and installation costs, minimum environmental impact, important crossing depth and long distance crossings are all benefits of the HDD system, while accuracy, low construction risk, minimum environmental impact, shallow crossing depth and large diameter crossings are all benefits of the DP system.
Offshore Energy Projects
With the practical experience of numerous landfall crossings essentially by Horizontal Directional Drilling and also by Direct Pipe, HDDP Solutions principal has been actively involved in developing modern installation methods, implemented with reduced marine support, well suited and cost effective for offshore Wind Farms or any cable or pipeline connection between land and sea
A Drilling Story
Since the inception of Horizontal Directional Drilling in the 70’s there have been amazing advances in technology and equipment. The equipment in the early 80’s was still basic, not designed specifically for Horizontal Directional Drilling, unsafe with their cable winches, and not particularly reliable. Crossings were executed mostly in “sand, silt or clay” formations.
Denis Pellerin has 35 years experience in the Trenchless Crossings Industry being involved with major crossing projects of rivers and canals, railways and highways, airports runways, industrial harbors, golf courses, mountain ridges, swamps, fjords and seashores.
As a young field engineer, he joined beginning of 1985 the startup company HDI, launched by the Spie Batignolles group, that became one of the world’s foremost HDD contractors, introducing Horizontal Directional Drilling into Europe, Australia and several countries in Africa, South East Asia and South America. During those pioneering years, Denis and his HDI colleagues introduced new HDD technics such as buoyancy control systems for large diameter pipelines, entry casings for pilot holes or gravel shield reamers.
After his MBA at INSEAD, Denis took over the responsibility of HDI SA 1991 and executed an MBO on HDI SA and HDI Inc. with his business partner Ahmed ben Salah and the backup of a Dutch construction group.
Throughout his construction career, Denis has implemented Horizontal Directional Drilling, Direct Pipe®, Microtunneling, Pipe Ramming and Auger Drilling technologies, sometimes in combination in order to get optimal efficiency.
His construction career with HDI has led him on more than 2200 trenchless crossings projects, spanning more than 40 different countries on all continents, all safely and successfully concluded to the client’s satisfaction.
Together with HDI, Denis received several industry recognitions, in Australia (1987), USA (1999), Europe (2011), and France (2012, 2015 and 2018), for innovative HDD projects.
Now focused on engineering and strategic consulting to provide a more personal service to the industry, Denis is especially committed to support the Horizontal Directional Drilling and Direct Pipe® technologies. His objective is to simplify your project development, minimize your risks and reduce your costs.
His experiences and contacts worldwide are extensive and can bring a positive contribution to any technical or contractual problems faced by your company on your trenchless projects.

Mission Statement
HDDP Solutions’ aim is to further develop the safe and environmentally friendly usage of trenchless technologies, and help its clients to find the optimal solutions, while maximizing any financial opportunity for its clients’ benefit
The principles of Horizontal Directional Drilling or Direct Pipe® are often considered for difficult terrain, exceptionally long river crossings, large diameter conduits, unstable ground, critical surface infrastructures and/or sensitive ecological areas. HDDP Solutions will review the site and local conditions. After thorough examination of the soil conditions and review of the geological and geophysical data, we will advise on suitability and cost of using the Horizontal Directional Drilling, Direct Pipe or alternative crossing methods.
Previous to any trenchless crossing contract being awarded, HDDP Solutions can review contractor’s methodology and procedures, technically and with regards to safety and respect of environmental considerations. HDDP Solutions is also able to analyze contractor’s credentials in terms of specialized technicians, drilling equipment and down hole tooling.
Previous to any trenchless crossing contract being let, HDDP Solutions can prepare detailed analysis of the offers, thereby enabling the Client to enter into a bespoke contract. If so required HDDP Solutions can prepare the actual contract to the Client’s requirement. HDDP Solutions has a good knowledge of most major standard contracts, such as NEC3 or FIDIC, as well as many of the Electricity and O&G companies’ specialist individual forms. And is able to promote alliances and partnerships wherein risk and reward may be shared.
HDDP Solutions will monitor the progress of the works ensuring compliance with good engineering procedures by providing specialist input. Any reporting requirements can be recorded for presentation on both technical and commercial matters.
HDDP Solutions offer services on both contentious and non-contentious issues, covering technical and commercial areas. Agreement of Final Accounts, preparation of Contractual Claims, progressing claims to satisfactory settlement, preparation of documentation for purposes of Arbitration Conciliation Mediation or Alternative Dispute Resolution are all areas in which HDDP Solutions experience can be trusted.
HDDP Solutions can offer financial and technical expert advice on all insurance matters linked to the trenchless crossings technologies, particularly in the specialist area of Contractors All Risks (C.A.R.) insurance of the “works”.
Standard consulting fees are available on demand, and bespoke arrangements for any of the above services can be agreed in relation to the particular circumstances regarding the type of contract.
Over the past 35 years Denis Pellerin has worked in association with a number of national and international companies, including the following:
- Air Liquide
- Agip
- AJ Lucas
- Alcatel
- Artelia
- Azevedo & Travassos
- Axeo
- A.Hak
- Bakhrabad Gas System
- Bechtel
- Bessac
- Bonatti BP
- Camargo Correia
- Campsa
- Cheminova
- Colas
- Conduto
- Deltares Denys
- Derrick Oil Tools
- Eiffage Canalisations
- Enagas
- Enedis
- Enel Entrepose
- Etermar
- Eureteq
- Exxon
- Ferrovial
- Fluxys
- Forexi
- FoxTrot
- Gasunie
- Gasversorgung Süd
- Geocean
- Geostock
- GrDF
- GRTgaz
- Hamburger Gas
- Hengtong
- Herrenknecht
- Horizontal Technology
- Inelfe
- Intech
- Inrock
- JP Avax
- Laing O’Rourke
- Land & Marine
- Larsen & Toubro
- McConnell Dowell Mannesmann
- Maritech
- Mota & Companhia
- Mostrangaz
- Murphy Pipelines
- National Grid
- Naturgas MidtNord
- Nuon
- Parlym
- Petrobras
- Petroci
- Petrofac
- Petrogal
- Petroland
- Powergen
- Praoil
- Prime Horizontal
- Prysmian
- RambØll & Hannemann
- Reliance
- Rugby Cement
- Saipem
- Sasol
- Shell
- Simria
- Sintec
- Sitetec
- Skanska
- Snam
- Snamprogetti
- Sofresid
- Sogea
- Solétanche
- Sonatrach
- Songas
- Sotrapil
- South West Water
- Spac
- Spiecapag
- SubSea7
- Swedegas
- Terega
- Thépault
- Titas Gas
- Total
- TC Energy
- Transnet
- Trapil
- Vallourec
- Verbundnetz Gas
- Wales & West Utilities
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World pipeline 2008 : XXL crossing in India | 2010 Le Havre Harbour Xg
Contact us
+33 06 07 10 87 26 | contact@hddpsolutions.com
22 Bis rue de Sèvres – 92150 SURESNES – FRANCE